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Tutorial: Registry Account Recovery &
Resetting Your Password

Please follow the instructions in either the video above or written below when you are unable to log into your existing Registry account.

As of March 2024, the Registry has a new home! All Registry members who created an account in February 2024 or earlier will still have their account active in the new Registry home. Each of these accounts imported as much of your information as possible, but for security reasons, you will need to create a new password.


Registry Participant accounts created February 2024 or earlier*: You must follow these steps to create a new password for your account when logging into the new Registry portal for the first time. Do not create a new account!

*A few exceptions apply; you will receive separate communications via email about what steps to follow if this applies to you.

If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions, please contact

Note: The Registry supports Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge web browsers. If you encounter technical issues on another browser, it is recommended to switch to an officially-supported browser.

Enter the Registry Login Portal at this link, or click the Login button in the upper right corner of the Registry homepage.

Click on the “Forgot Your Password” button towards the bottom right.

You will be prompted to enter the email address associated with your account. Enter your email and press "Send Verification Code". Leave this window open during the next step!


If you no longer have access to this email or do not remember the associated email, please click on the tab above to follow the steps for Finding/Changing your Login Email.

You will receive an email from with a 6-digit numerical code. Copy this code and return to the previous window to enter the code.


The email should arrive in less than a few minutes. Be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see it!

After entering the 6 digit code, follow the instructions in the Registry Login Portal to create a new, secure password that fits our security requirements.

Once you have successfully created a new password, you will be taken back to the Login Portal. You may now log in using this new password!

For existing Registry users who completed this tutorial to log into the new Registry portal for the first time, there are a few additional points to be aware of when logging in for the first time:

  1. You will be prompted to provide your General Information. Most of your General Information should be prefilled if you previously provided it on your account. Please verify that this information is correct, and fill in any missing information.

  2. You may also be prompted to provide documentation of your PSC diagnosis. If you previously submitted this documentation to the Registry, you DO NOT need to re-submit this information. To skip this step, at the Upload prompt, scroll down and select the small checkbox that says "I do not have any proof-of-diagnosis available to upload", then press "Save" and "Finish".

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